Monday, August 31, 2009

Multitasking Bad. Focus Good

As you start the new semester you might want to take heed of a recent study reported in the NYTimes this weekend. Stanford researchers have determined that multitaskers are not doing many things better; they are doing many things worse. The study began as an attempt to find out why multitaskers could do so many things so well. Instead, the researchers found the opposite.

So. When you are switching back and forth between tasks remember that focusing on one thing at a time will help you do that thing better.

There are some exceptions. Apparently, listening to instrumental music can actually help sharpen your focus.

The really scary thing is that there appears to be a lasting effect. That is, multitaskers continue to be impaired even after they stop. It may take some time to learn how to be focused.

Maybe this is why when you are sitting in a bar, listening to live music, watching the crowd and talking with your friends you can't seem to carry on a coherent conversation. That doesn't seem to be the best time to discuss the "strict scrutiny" test.